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    A sugar binge will not give you diabetes, but an unhealthy diet high in sugar could


    Can a sugar binge give you diabetes?


    Mostly no.


    Diabetes mellitus type 1

    Type of ingestion Can cause diabetes                  
    Diet high in foods with added sugar No
    Diet high in drinks with added sugar No
    Sugar binge (food) No
    Sugar binge (drinks) No

    Diabetes mellitus type 2

    Type of ingestion Can cause diabetes                  
    Diet high in foods with added sugar Indirect risk1
    Diet high in drinks with added sugar Indirect and possible direct risk2
    Sugar binge (food) No
    Sugar binge (drinks) No
    1The extra calories increase the risk of obesity, which is in turn a risk factor for diabetes.
    2High consumption of SSBs (sugar-sweetened beverages) led to 26% higher occurrence, but whether the link is causative is inconclusive.


    Choo, V.L., E. Viguiliouk, et al., Food sources of fructose-containing sugars and glycaemic control: systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled intervention studies (The BMJ, 2018)

    Hollrah, D., K. Dawson, et al., Question: In patients with type 2 diabetes, does diet soda consumption contribute to decline in blood sugar control? (J Okla State Med Assoc. 2017)

    Malik, V.S., B.M. Popkin, et al., Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes (Diabetes Care, 2010)