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    Eating soy does not reduce testosterone levels in men


    Does eating soy reduce testosterone levels in men?




    In a 2010 meta-analysis of research into whether soy protein or isoflavone intake has estrogen-like effects in men, 32 studies were analysed (of which 15 were placebo controlled and included baseline and ending measurements).

    No statistically significant effect was found on the levels of testosterone (T), free testosterone (free T), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), or the free androgen index (FAI).


    Hamilton-Reeves, J.M., G. Vazquez, et. al., Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis (Fertility and Sterility journal, Vol. 94, No. 3, August 2010)